Why is he laying down there? Is there something wrong?


Posted by Annual_Elderberry_49


  1. Annual_Elderberry_49 on

    40l tank size
    Had the tank for 3 weeks, had the fish for 2
    I change water every 2 weeks, i take out 25% and use a siphon to suck out the water
    4 guppies, a pleco and a corydora
    I feed fish science betta granules to my betta and flakes to my guppy and catfish
    2 big plants in the back to provide hiding space and lots of places to hidden

  2. One-Zucchini7038 on

    I don’t think anything is wrong …mine does that too. Bettas need large tanks but they like very tight knit spaces & corners… so maybe he just doing that

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