Help my ailing son 🙁

Posted by bugplague

1 Comment

  1. Hello! I’ve had my fish for 1.5-ish years. He lives in a 6 gallon heated Walstad tank.

    Last night he only ate one piece of food and didn’t feel super interested in having more. Admittedly, I’d gotten back pretty late so I didn’t think too hard about it and went to bed. This morning, same thing, and I noticed he’s looking sad and his colors are significantly more dull than they were 24 hours ago. Would really appreciate any and all advice on how to get his appetite back and have him feeling better! I know fish from big box stores aren’t the best bred and don’t live forever but I was hoping for a little more time with him 🙁

    First pic is him now, second is him normally, third is a shot of the tank. Parameters all seem fine and I did a small water change before I left for work. He eats hikari bio gold. Thanks so much!

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