5.5 gal/heater n filter/78.6 deg./ master test kit ammonia- 0.25(before changer water and adding plants) nitrite- 0 nitrate- 5.0./had fish and tank 3 days/ silk and live plants……………….. I posted the other day, I rescued a beta fish from a coworker and put him in a 2.5 gallon tank- no cycling done.
I swear I read 6 BILLION different opinions and tips on here, on websites, from “experts” at the fish store my head is spinning for real.
I’m going to just try my best and gather info from different sources.
I’m nowhere near done yet with this little guys setup…one day he’ll be in a 10 gallon but 5.5 for now.
Going to do water changes daily(still unsure if that’s what I should do…going to keep researching) and test water daily and watch my fish. Going to note changes and see what needs to be changed.
any advice is welcome because I don’t know everything but I’m new and remember that there’s a million ways to do things:) one question from me- is my filter too low(almost touching the gravel) I don’t rlly like this filter as I watched my fish already struggle to swim through the foam part and the glass. Can someone recommend a good sponge filter setup ?


Posted by Nice-Sea-9212

1 Comment

  1. Love to see it! Test your water daily and if ammonia or nitrite are high, do a water change otherwise leave it be.
    It’s a little hard to see what’s up with the filter from this picture though

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