Fish novice here. I've not noticed him do this before. Any help is appreciated!

Posted by MetalNosedPigeon


  1. LeanMunchinMachine on

    Yea that’s definitely not normal. Could be a whole host of things like swim bladder issues, some kind of infection, etc.

    Edit: That looks to be an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey correct? They have been known to be more on the fragile side at least IME.

  2. JustinMakingAChange on

    Looks like swim bladder disease. Quarantine and allow the fish to fast for a bit a see if they can sort it out on their own.

    Some people say peas or Epsom salt to improve digestion.

  3. May be whirling disease or some sort of parasite attacking the nervous system… I had this happen to my CPD’s and guppies and they all died 🙁

  4. deadrobindownunder on

    You should definitely put that dude in a quarantine/hospital tank. Google “how to set up a hospital tank” for precise instructions on how to do this.

    As others have said, it could be a swim bladder and or whirling disease. Does he whirl around a lot? Or spend more time upside down?

    I’ve had three gudgeons with swim bladder issues, two of them are still alive and one of them died. I’ve been able to improve their condition using aquarium salt and epsom salt. Here’s a link to a helpful article about using aquarium salt:


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