Just got a nice 30C aquarium for free but unfortunately cracked the bottom corneron the way home. It is pretty bad and was dripping water when I tested it.

It seems like that only 1 glass pane is damaged which makes it possible to go for DIY route by trimming the damaged glass and resealing it. But I never done any of those things and I'm afraid that I'll break the glass even more. Does anyone got any tips on working with glass? What I found on youtube are mostly about cutting thin glass not this kind of thicker glass.

Posted by Practical_Sense_7527


  1. Honestly I would not do it. You said it was free so it will cost you nothing to just toss it or make it small lizard/frog tank that doesn’t hold water. It appears to be too big and I wouldn’t trust a reseal

  2. Structural integrity is gone even with a diy fix – enjoy your new terrarium/vivarium, don’t risk water damage. You can get more free tanks, but fixing the flooring is never cheap.

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