Tank size: 5-Gallon
Fish: 1 Betta,
Shrimp: 5+ few shrimps as they breed dont know how many they are exact. +2 recently added amano
Snail: 3 Nerite

I tried 75% water change and remove most of the affected plants.

Any tips?

Posted by Affectionate-Self304


  1. Looks like black beard algae but I’m not sure, not harmful just annoying, feed the tank less it could be a surplus of nutrients &I see someone mentioned light u could reduce how many hours the light is on, don’t worry about it too much tho, a fish tank is an ecosystem and algae just happens to be a part of that

  2. Whydoyoucare134 on

    I think its excess of phosphate and lack of nitrates or that’s what usually causes that kind of algae

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