I don’t know if you all remember but i had posted about how my friend neglects all of her animals and killed her betta for not caring for it and keeping it in a bowl and just water. Anyways her 2 year old
sons bday is coming up and she texted me this. am i valid or what else should i add.

Also, i have been trying to distance myself from
her from your advice and it’s been so far hard cause she shows up to my work but have been ignoring her.


Posted by putinsprolapse


  1. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    Completely valid. Just like any pet, dog, cat, lizard, if someone can’t take care of it properly they shouldn’t have it. I would ask to see the tank, maybe give them more in depth advice if they are really serious about owning a betta. I’m sure other people will add on to what I said

  2. I think your response is correct. Maybe even send a video. Just make sure you do not scare them into spite. Happens alot in the reptile community too

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