Hello, as the title says, I'm new to betta/fish owning. I was recommended this to help relieve stress, but i feel more stressed if he's doing okay.

I got this guy (Sun) on Sunday, after cycling the tank for a week per the instructions of the LFS I got him from. In posting this, I guess I'm asking how I can make sure Sun's living his best life? Below is what I've been doing so far.

I test his water daily with JNW Direct test strips, and levels are within range, save pH, which has gone up to 7.2 since I introduced him to the tank. I don't think the strips test for ammonia, so i have since ordered the API Kit, but that won't be here until Friday.

When I introduced Sun to the tank, his fins didn't look as spread as when he was at the store, so on Monday I put a second heater in this 5 gallon Fluvel Spec tank. Today it looks like his fins are spread more, but I noticed his top fin looks jagged and is darker closer to his body?

I have the filter sponge in with the stuff it came with but the air pump off, as the current was pushing him into a corner. He's been fed 4-5 omega one betta buffet pellets yesterday and today (I do not feed him the night the night I added him to the tank). All the plants are fake, but silk. When I came in this evening, he was resting on one of the leaves on the left.

I've noticed Sun swims up against the glass a lot, and I'm worried if this is normal behavior. He seems slightly calmer when I keep the LEDs off, but he still swims against the front glass.


Posted by Wilder_Weigh

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