I’m convinced they can survive anything.

Posted by So_Motarded


  1. Image description:

    Two images of fish with text, side by side.

    – Image 1 shows an array of Discus color morphs. Text: Other Fish care. 70-82 degrees Fahrenheit, 6.0-7.5pH, 6-20dGH, strong filtration, plenty of hiding spots, avoid bright spotlights, Mozart preferred.

    – Image 2 shows a bristlenose pleco. Text: Plecos. Water (optional).


    *The above description might be useful to screen-reader users, or anyone who has slow internet.*

  2. UnluckyMode2062 on

    Wish that was true. I’ve bought 4 different types who each have died within months. Dropped fresh veggies in, have 3 types of wood in tank, water parameters near perfect and temp in the middle of their zone. No fish picks on them yet they slowly just get slower and slower then I just find them dead while all other fish are thriving. If anyone had any advice on the id love it. I’ve tried so many times because I love them. I’ve tried bristlenose, Colombian zebra, clown and fantail. I can’t bring myself to try again at this point.

  3. Clown loaches too. Came home once to find one of my two clown loaches on the floor, looked like a dried fig. I’m weird when it comes to letting go of fish, so I tossed it in a grow out tank until I could take care of it. An hour later I had a rehydrated clown loach. wtf???

  4. In my experience, plecos do need a heater and they like a dark place to hang out. But yeah, they’re great tank mates.

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