Pictures of him yesterday. I woke up today and found him all dried on the floor. I am insanely sad about it. I have a lid but it has a small cutout for my pothos and it's the only area he could have escaped from as the rest is a tight fit. His tank mates are 5 gold laser corydoras (we had 6 but one passed from unknown causes) and a single rabbit snail. Filtered and heated, tank was fully cycled before adding anyone. It's a 20 gal, 76-78°F, ammonia 0ppm nitrites 0ppm, nitrates 0-5ppm, ph 6.8. Live plants but only moderately planted, it's my newest tank so I have plans to add more plants and let them grow out for a more heavily planted tank. Driftwood, rocks, and floating pvc are the only other items in the tank. I've had him about a week now (just under) and he was doing great, he was exploring, eating, interacting, and swimming wonderfully. What could I have done to save my poor crim? I have 2 other bettas currently and recently had euthanize my first betta (as an adult) because of a tumor he developed. I want to ensure the best life for any of my babies and I'm honestly feeling like a shitty owner after this last one.

Posted by Stunning_Chipmunk_68


  1. cantthinkofaname513 on

    Bettas are jumpers. You have to make sure there are no holes or gaps he can jump through, or leave about an inch of room at the top to make it more difficult to jump out.

  2. SwimBladderDisease on

    Usually do it due to water quality issues and their body is designed to jump from different pools of water in case something happens, but they can also do it for literally no reason.

    Unfortunately that does not work when there’s no other body of water to jump to so they’re just jumping into the literal abyss.

  3. Friendly_Pumpkin6151 on

    They are amazing jumpers even through holes that you think would be impossible. I’m sorry for your loss.

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