Hello! I’ve had betta fish growing up and researched about them but ofc I don’t know everything. But I am in college now and saved this betta fish whose fins are torn quite a bit. I ordered a pump for better water circulation because the tank I just bought doesn’t have an amazing filter (I didn’t know that). I have only had a couple of live plants for them but don’t have any for this guy yet. Does anyone have any recommendations that aren’t too hard to take care of? Because I have classes and am not rich lol. He already looks better since I first got him. I feed him blood worms and sometimes pellets.

His tank is 4 gallons, I know not the most ideal but again I’m in college and it’s far better than what he was in!

Thank you so much for any advice!


Posted by Mikature

1 Comment

  1. oof. he’s a tail-biter. this is a thing with some longfin bettas and has more than one cause. but if he’s a rescue then this was likely a stress-related thing. whatever sized tank he’s in, keep his water clean, check parameters with a test kit, keep his heater set at 78 and give him some hiding places like a floating betta log and plants. live or silk only. plastic can tear fins.

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