Is it normal that my line looks like that? If not? How to fix it? 🙂

Posted by Subject_Pay3134


  1. SilveryShadows on

    No, you want your line tight, with it loose like that you won’t be able to feel a bite, and you won’t be able to set the hook (jerk the line so the hook gets pulled into the fishes cheek).

    There’s a few things you can do. First is put decent line on.

    Second is how you put that line on. I’m not an expert on this one. You’ll want to Google or YouTube how to spool a reel.

    Third is avoiding line twist. Don’t spin your reel while a fish is actively fighting you and line is being dragged out. You’ll be able to hear it clicking. Wait until it calms or swims toward you.

    I’m sure you’ll get a lot more great advice here too. Don’t get overwhelmed!

  2. Could also mean you don’t have enough weight on the end of the line. You should be able to pull out the slack and not be dragging the bait with it.

  3. Odd_Inevitable_1947 on

    Old line or spooled incorrectly. I just changed a reel that was given to me over to braid. 100% improvement. I bought the braid at Bass Pro and they spooled for me.

  4. Tourist_Careless on

    It’s the way you have it rigged. Even crappy line should be taught so you can feel a bite and set the hook.

    Whatever you have floating out there isn’t heavy enough or the wind is blowing it towards you. After it hits the water a spin or two of the reel should remove most of the slack from the line.

  5. If you want to try something as a last-ditch effort without buying any new equipment, I’d try to reel the line all the way in through the rod holes down to the spool, tie the end to something to keep tension, unscrew your drag all the way and pop the entire spool with the line on it off, put the entire thing in a cup of warm-to-slightly-hot water for 10 mins, then put it back together and cut off whatever end of the line was out of the glass tied to whatever (pencil etc). The warm water can reset the “memory” in the line and may straighten it out.

  6. jehrhrhdjdkennr on

    Have you swapped the line on your reel out? If not this is probably the crappy mono that comes with most reels, I really don’t recommend using it. To fix this the easiest way would be to spool on some braided line. Take maybe 75% of the mono off the reel and leave the rest for backing, tie the braid to the mono and respool it to about 1/8” away from being 100% full.

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