It looks a bit more red than yesterday but is mostly a pale white patch. Nothing on any of the other fish and no other spots on the pleco. I keep a very close eye on my fish and this patch popped up out of no where and was not here two days ago.

125 gal tank, water parameters are good, last water change was a few days ago. I have lots of wood, plants, and hiding spots for him.

Any suggestions are appreciated as we love this pleco. If it's a bacterial infection that popped up this fast that's concerning and I'd like to get the proper medication ASAP. I did add a small dose of melafix as I do anytime I see a wound on a fish.

Posted by plantsandbugs

1 Comment

  1. definitely not a heater burn depending on what heater you use and if that is a larger pleco chances are he would not be able to get into a position to burn himself that serve

    I would isolate him in a separate tank or a bucket with an airstone with some methylene blue for 2-3 hours then put him back repeat daily until you see a difference

    if you have a separate tank then keep him in there with filtration on high until he is better with methylene blue too

    [(edit) poly guard or something similar should work well for plecos]

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