I'm upgrading my Female Betta to a 6.6 Gallon and I'd like for it to be planted or semi planted, she currently has black gravel but I've grown to not like how it looks. Especially since the colour is coming off the gravel leaving me with random coloured gravel pieces.

I bought black sand for the substrate but I read that sand isn't good for planted tanks? So I thought about getting fluvul stratum, but I read it heavily lowers PH. So l'm not really sure what to get, sorry if this is a dumb question.

Here's a pic of her!


Posted by crybabiebitch


  1. It really boils down to what plants you have or want to have. We need to know what plants in order to help

  2. Sand is fine as long as it isn’t ultra fine. I like the grain size of pool filter sand. Black diamond blasting sand should work if that’s your taste. Add root tabs for plant nutrients

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