I think my fish is dying but idk he is gray?????


Posted by Silent-Annual-9521


  1. Outrageous_Drink2626 on

    ah yikes, it’s got dropsy, hopefully somebody more knowledgable will see this soon. I can’t give much advice but it looks grim :/

  2. His stomach/swim bladder is absolutely huge. Hard to say with only a pic of him in a part of the tank, but get some betta remedy, aquarium salt and try to fast him for a few days

  3. Easy_Lengthiness_640 on

    I’ve had fish with dropsy and a lot of them don’t make it but if you have it on hand or can run to the store quickly I highly recommend Seachem’s Kanaplex. It’s the only thing that’s ever worked for me. And it treats a whole plethora of fish diseases. This is what is looks like.


    Best of luck! And let us know what happens!

  4. Puppasnuffaluff on

    I’m afraid he’s got dropsy. My bettas in the past all died from it. Not too knowledgeable about it tho, I’d suggest doing some research and stuff but it may be too late. Oh, and someone above mentioned kanaplex and I’ve heard good things, maybe start there?

  5. You have a lot of what looks like rotting food in the gravel that is probably causing a huge ammonia spike. What are your parameters? Regardless he needs to be moved to clean warm water.

  6. It seems like he’s pineconing pretty badly which means he has dropsy (basically organ failure) it is possible to treat it but the outlook is slim to none and if he does happen to recover from dropsy the damage is already done and won’t go away so it’ll just come back and even stronger, at this point if it’s not eating swimming or breathing properly I’d consider humanely euthanizing it

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