Why is she twitching like this? She's swimming sideways and her spine seems to be curved. She will float upside down too. She isn't changing. I don't know what to do. My parameters are all normal.


Posted by UnhappyAnalysis1454


  1. UnhappyAnalysis1454 on

    Like I genuinely don’t know what do. No one is telling me what she might have. She won’t swim like normal.

  2. IridescentStarseed on

    Okay, first things first. Check your water parameters. While you’re awaiting the results, tell me what medicines you have. After the water parameters are done testing, tell me/show me a pic of what they are. I’ll do my best to help you. Feel free to DM me instead if you wish.

  3. Maybe a parasite. A molly I had did this and soon died. Could never figure out what it was. I’d treat for internal parasites and see if it makes a difference

  4. I’m sorry that I won’t have good news for you. if it helps at all, I’m a breeder and I’m trained to treat and medicate fish diseases. your fish has something affecting her ability to control nervous system. the cause could be parasite in her brain, infection, or bad breeding. dumbo-fins are highly genetically manipulated and they have issues. but there is little to no chance she will recover. she should be euthanised if at all possible. what has happened to her is NOT your fault. there is nothing you could have or should have done differently. you love her and gave her a home. I’m very sorry.

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