I got my little cloud (his name) a bit over 24hrs ago! I’m a new betta owner, and i’ve done my research but… Is it normal for him to be making a bubble nest THIS EARLY into just being introduced into his new home…?
or am i worrying over nothing, and he just loves his new home


Posted by asllvnx


  1. IridescentStarseed on

    I’d say it’s not average to have them blow bubble nests within the first day, this is definitely against the grain, which is really good! The fact he is definitely means he’s not stressed out and more than likely LOVES the tank. Excellent job! An immediately happy betta is quite the achievement! 😊

  2. yes it’s normal for a betta that is sexually mature. it isn’t indicative of happiness or health. it’s instinctive breeding behaviour, nothing more.

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