Caught a nice bass last night on Mille Lacs, but it smelled like it had been swimming in a sewage plant! Anyone ever experienced this with bass? Or know what the reason is? I have never fished or caught smallies after June or at least July we thought maybe it was a late season thing. Whatever it was, the smell was terrible!

Posted by Upbeat_Ad53


  1. RatherBeFeeshing on

    All I can think would be it was sitting on or near some of that stinky muck you run into sometimes. If you wade in the water a lot you will know what I mean. It smells like sewage,farts, and or shit. Not sure what causes it but I notice it on cats with dirty bellies sometimes and they reek, as does the water after stepping through it

  2. No_Context_465 on

    I’ve experienced it with channel cats and I’ve been told the reason why it’s they’re eating sheepshead but I don’t know if those are in Mille Lacs at all

  3. Here they are invasive, was making filet last week and got one extra smelly half digested crawfish stink up the place

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