I have a 15 gallon tank with 3 guppies, 6 endlers and a blue neon (stiphodon) goby. There is also a small group of bladder snails that were brought in on a plant but I don’t over feed so their population is steady.

I only got the goby fairly recently and it took a liking to the back corner where one of my sponge filters is – it has made a burrow underneath the filter and stays there whenever it’s not eating. The other day I had to fix the filter so I took it out (felt so bad for disturbing the poor goby) and I placed it on some kitchen roll. When I picked it back up, these weird wiggling blobs were on the paper! I looked at the bottom of the filter and there was a small orange-y cluster of egg-like balls.

Could these be anything to do with the goby?! Or are they just snails?

They didn’t look like they had shells or anything and I don’t know if a snail could even fit into the burrow with the goby! But I also know that these gobies are near impossible to breed! It just weirded me out!

TL;DR: Found these weird wiggling creatures in my blue neon goby’s burrow and I don’t know what they are!

Posted by MrClever_Geronimo

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