Was given these fish by my mom who didn't want them anymore. Knowing nothing about fish whatsoever, I probably wasn't the best person to take them. I'm trying my best with what I've got though! Went from a 20 gallon tank to a 40 gallon tank. My goal is to move to a much larger tank, but for now this is all my apartment complex allows for. I made the mistake of not cycling my tank before I moved my two angels and handful of tetras over. By some miracle, I didn't lose any fish. The few plants I have, have taken off just with liquid fertilizer and some light. I do maintenance cleans every weekend but only take about five gallons out and gravel vacuum. I'm honestly surprised how smoothly this tank has run on its own with now minimal interference from me. My biggest struggle has been trying to keep algae off the glass and the plants, but I treat it every other week. I've propagated lots of plants from just a couple originals and it's crazy to me how quickly they take root. All in all, I'm happy with my setup and I enjoy watching them. They have a clear view of the front door and its fun to watch them swim to the front of the tank when I get home from work.

Posted by Honest_Hollister

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