Is this normal? This is what I ordered online vs what I got lol
Of course I’m still definitely going to keep him because I love him as he is, but I low key feel like I got catfished. Do you think he’ll grow into what’s in the pictures?

Posted by strawbeehead


  1. Please love him even tho he looks like this and even if he never looks like the first pics. I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m tired – way past my bedtime – but I’m srsly crying up over this. It’s prob also a combo of the thought people sell fish online and mail them… How do they safely send them? How many die in the process?
    I hate this world and the exploitation humans inflict upon literally every other living thing on this planet, I clouding other humans. But innocent animals, even fish… Breaks my fucking heart.

    I was having such a good night listening to 80s rock music and watching bon Jovi interviews and now I have to fall asleep crying my eyes out over the state of the world and over the sad eyes of a fucking Betta fish hoping he perks up and knows love 😫💔

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