I'm doing a dark start on my aquarium and this is the first time I'm using wood. The wood started growing this white fungusy stuff on it and I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not. I researched online, apparently it's nothing serious but I couldn't find any good information on how to remove it. Does anybody have any tips?

Posted by Madgess


  1. Naive_Hold_9444 on

    These are organisms that feed on wood. When they ran out of nutrients they will stop growing. Should disappear after few weeks. However if there is a lot of them and start dying after this time they may smell bad. I had them in my new tank and decided to take the wood out of the tank and cleaned it in hot water. Never had the issue after.

  2. Totally normal. Every new tank with new wood does this. It’s just some kind of fungus that eats the nutrients the new wood is releasing.

    In my experience, fish love this stuff, as soon as you stock the tank, they’ll have it all picked clean within a week.

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