Hello everyone I’m posting with hopes to get some advice or some knowledge on stocking my dugout in southern Saskatchewan. I’m looking to put rainbow trout in my dugout that is 160’x60’ roughly .22 acres. At the deepest point in the middle I measure a little over 7’ with probably about 35-45% of the dugout being that deep. I don’t have aeration in it currently. Is this whole idea doable or is it farfetched. I think it would be very fun but there’s many factors I still don’t understand like
– when you order do you fish them by summer or is it a long term investment?
-Do I regularly need to feed them?
– if they do freeze up in the winter do I just order more the following year?
-is there any simple aeration techniques to make it work without breaking the bank?
I really appreciate any sort of advice as I’m fairly lost on this whole thing but am really wanting to get some to fish next summer

Posted by Subject_Rub4837

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