i also have two plecos that came with, but i can’t get photos of them bc they are hiding at the moment, both are very small, one has almost a leopard print??? i know a very good amount about tank keeping as i have a betta, pleco, and 2 snails in a 10 gallon(i got a larger tank,aka this 55 gallon one, to give them a bigger home) but the people selling the tank had these fish and basically said they were gonna kill em if i didn’t take em so…. help me out? i kinda already named them if ppl care lmfao

Posted by Aggressive-Mud-


  1. Aggressive-Mud- on

    i also got some bamboo that came with, they had it all the way submerged but i was thinking this isn’t the type to do that with…??? i can’t post a pic here but if anyone wants to dm me i can send a pic. i have it in a .75 gallon betta cube(i got for purely transportation purposes when i rescued my betta) half submerged but im not exactly sure if thats the right thing to do either

    (and with the whole post im trying to make sure im doing right by all the fish i have. please help, or at least comment to boost views idk man lmao)

  2. A platy and an angel fish. The leopard print placo is a leopard pleco. I know that platys like to be in groups at the very least 3, angel fish can be aggressive. From experience, I bought 2 angel fish (years and years ago, I was ignorant), they started breeding and tried to kill all of my fish… research angel fish. Thanks for saving them! Judging by the fishe’s color and murky water, they were not doing good.

  3. twibbletrouble on

    Angel fish is looking tore up. My poor little dude.

    Good luck, do your best, test your water.

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