I want to make sure a betta would be comfortable in here. (Tank is cycling atm)


Posted by Silver-Advantage-368


  1. Kooky_Werewolf6044 on

    Yea that should be fine. At least you aren’t keeping it in a bowl or something. I feel bad for ones that get put in those tiny bowls or vases or one gallon containers. 5 is plenty big enough for a betta

  2. BetterBettaBadBench on

    It looks like a decent start, but i really recommend more decor. Bettas feel more secure when their tank is stuffed with decor. Lots of things will eat them in the wild, so they really love places to hide!

    You could really go crazy with java fern and anubias. You can super glue the roots to your rocks, if the super glue is cyanoacrylate based. I have large free floating anubias in my betta tank, and my guy loves swimming between the leaves and resting on them. They even sell large anubias that would look amazing!

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