he got a new tank, with another buddy,
(separated by wall, they cannot see each other.) took water to store and said it was high in ammonia. doing water changes every week. what do i do? First pic is how he looks now, second is about a month or two after having him. he is about to be 1 y/o. PLEASE HELP!!!


Posted by nootbord


  1. tank size is 3 gal in total, separated by two little cubes with a waterfall
    heater yes and filter yes
    tank temp- the thermometer says normal.
    fish mate is new, but again they can’t see each other.
    was feeding pellets now feeding flakes by pet store owner recommendation, HE IS NOT EATING EITHER.

  2. Probably stressed out by how small the tank is paired with inadequate decorations. Bettas don’t usually like tank mates and if you’re going to get one anyways then you need a lot more space for them to both be happy and safe.

  3. I just got out of the shower and i’m sad to say he passed away. he was fine right before the shower. thank yall for the help. for my other betta fish i’ll give him the best love

  4. This is a very sick fish. Organ failure is causing fluid retention which is why the scales are poking out. The extreme paleness is a sign of how sick it is. Hard to treat, usually fatal. Pristine water quality and antibiotics are the usual treatments along with Epsom salt baths to draw off fluid. I’d consider euthanasia.

    Sounds like the poor conditions might be to blame. Ammonia alone could have started killing him and water changing only once a week during an ammonia spike could have left long periods where the fish was still exposed to high levels. Sounds like you don’t understand the nitrogen cycle in aquariums and how to manage a tank’s cycle so I’d definitely research that. There’s a lot about ideal betta care in the caresheet and wiki.

  5. CommercialEbb3212 on

    i’m sorry to hear about the loss of this beautiful boy but is his tank mate also a betta fish? betta fish in general need 5 gal tanks minimum to themselves snails and shrimp are occasionally fine but no other fish if you need any help on care just reach out and i’d be more than happy to point you in the right direction

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