Good Afternoon!

We recently got my son a beta fish for his birthday (he’s two) and I would love some advice!

  1. What are these bubbles? They appeared a few days after we got him.
  2. How often do I need to change water?
  3. Do I have enough water in it.? Above the bubbles is where the water line ends. About an inch before the tank kid.
  4. We only have the pineapple house and treasure chest. Anything else to add? It’s not a big tank
  5. What’s the best food? The one we got he is starting to spit out.

I apologize for all the questions 🤦🏼‍♀️

Posted by EverySail6381


  1. Congrats on your new betta!! He’s such a cutie 🙂
    As for your questions:

    1. The bubbles are most likely a bubble best! Mature male betta make little bubbles at the surface of the water where in the wild they would place the eggs laid by the female after mating. Just means that he’s an adult! (There are many cool documentaries that explains why they do this you should check it out)

    2. Changing water depends on a lot of factors, how many fish you have in the tank, how much you feed the fish, how big is your tank, etc. A lot of people like to do 25-30 % water changes once a week but really depends on you! A good way to see when to change your water aside just visually seeing if it’s starting to get foul is to measure the amount of nitrates in the water with a tester, and keeping them under 40 ppm

    (as an extra bonus info make sure that when the water evaporates you fill the tank with purified water and not tap water! That’s because minerals don’t evaporate so over time your tanks water is gonna get too hard)

    3. You can fill your tank a little bit more since you have a lid on! Personally I like to fill it so that I can stick my hand in for maintenance without overflowing

    4. Can’t see your tank too well but you could add in easy to take care of live plants such as anubias or Java fern!

    5. As for foods you can check out fluval bug bites, hikari betta food, or Xtreme aquatics food! Make sure you also add in live/frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia and blood worms in your fishies’ diet to keep them happy and healthy! 😀

    This sub has a betta care sheet so you can check that out if you have any doubts about betta care! Have fun with your new little friend!!

  2. Glass_Moose_2280 on

    Those bubbles are bubble nests used for breeding, they’re very normal when owning a betta. For water changes, I’d say about once a week or one every 2 weeks, it depends on how much you feed. The water level is fine, sometimes bettas jump so you want to be careful with that, don’t want him ending up on the floor. For the decor, I would take out those plants and add real plants or silk plants, real plants help with getting rid of ammonia and nitrites. Some fake plants will leave tears in your bettas fins, silk plants don’t but I really do recommend real plants. For food I would use brine shrimp and bloodworms, they can be frozen, I find it way easier, Hikari is a good brand for food, they have frozen brine shrimp and bloodworms.

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