I got a new female Betta on 9/2. (from Petco – says she is a female koi. she is REALLY small and didn’t show any color when I bought her) She is fairly inactive and has had no interest in food. I tested my water parameters and it was slightly off with a lower pH and slightly higher nitrates. I understand that nitrates can be deadly to fish. I immediately made actions to correct this and did a 20% water change & added quick start and a small amount of pH up to not shock her.

I am fairly new to keeping Bettas. The tank has been running for a few weeks after losing my last. I did a complete water change after and let it run for 3 weeks before adding a new one.
I ordered a new thermometer that is better quality but water should be around 78 degrees.

She isn’t breathing heavy. What is wrong? What do I need to do? Yesterday she laid at the bottom of the tank almost all day. Today she is laying on the leaves. I would be less concerned regarding the inactivity if she wasn’t also not eating.


Posted by CulturalPeach6567


  1. CulturalPeach6567 on

    5 gallon

    yes heater & filter

    temp around 78

    pH 6.8, ammonia 0, nitrite .25, nitrate 5.0 (from fresh water master test kit)

    no tank mates

    typically do 15% water change – haven’t had her long enough yet to do regular weekly

    feed pellets ~4 2x a day

    all live plants, small drift wood, fake log, hide away skull, betta hammock.

  2. CaramelKromcrush on

    That’s tough. Maybe give her some time alone and with lower light levels and hope she just needs to get used to the tank.

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