I manage a 240 gal, freshwater aquarium, usually stocked with native lake species (i.e. bluegill, sunfish, etc.) at a Visitor Center. I recently rescaped it with sand capped soil. Bottom layer is the pea gravel that was in the tank originally, then ~2 inches of potting soil, then ~2 inches of pool sand. It looked great! Then it turned orange….. I did several iterations of water changes and still orange. Please share some wisdom…
Where did I go wrong? I'm pregnant and soon my belly won't allow me to lean into this giant tank so I need to get it fixed asap! Thanks in advance

Posted by ohmy_begonias

1 Comment

  1. Muted_Honeydew7962 on

    Is that real driftwood in the tank?

    Could be due to the tannins in the wood seeping out into the water to make that orangey tea color

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