B. bellica


Posted by ThenAcanthocephala57


  1. Gorgeous, and looks so healthy.

    Makes me wonder about the social media/online wild caught bettas. They’re probably too “wild” to contain in a 10-20 gallon tank.

  2. Sketched2Life on

    Beautiful fish, i wonder why wild Betta aren’t more common in the fishkeeping hobby, they’re so cool.
    And are those shrimp also endemic to your area, or do you think it might have been released? Cute anyways, but i wonder if “setting pets free” is as much a problem in Malaysia as it is over here.
    (I helped net a huge koi from a dirty city stream over here in germany a few weeks back, still fresh in memory so i can’t help but wonder.) ^^’
    Also, i read some of your other posts, how’s conversation work going? 😀

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