Caught this over the winter and it was out of season so people eats these? Are they good?

Posted by midlifechristmas1989


  1. Betaworldpeach on

    It’s not regarded as the best tablefare, in fact some people look down on it. I’d say it’s better than kingfish but not as good as snapper/mahi. If you’re a good cook, you can make it delicious. Would not recommend sashimi style with it, their meat can have worms.

  2. TheProfessorO on

    Definitely remove any worms and all of the bloodline. It’s very good smoked or chunked for a fish chowder.

  3. They are commonly eaten but not be me. Plenty of tastier fish out there. I try to release them unharmed when I can.

  4. IMHO – I’d filet it and remove the dark blood line. Then put the filets in ice water with half a bottle of Tabasco sauce for a few hours. Then use a dry cornmeal batter and fry. Sounds odd, but that’s been my go to with it and Spanish Mackerel. It also makes a very good smoked fish dip.

  5. I would eat that one if given the chance. Salted and boiled with potatoes. Grilled is fantastic as well. Nice fish they got no quit in them.

  6. I love some AJ. Awesome sashimi/sushi. Had a sushi chef in Costa Rica tell me one time that tuna is the king and AJ is the queen.

  7. I made fresh AJ on the grill the day after I caught it and I’m dead serious when I say it was one of the best tasting fish I’ve had. Freshness is key. Once frozen…fish dip.

  8. iHateThisJob999 on

    Its good eating, but they can be absolutely riddled with worms. Especially down by the base of the tail. If you opt to filet it, cut the steaks thin and hold them up to the light and cut out any worms you see. The bigger jacks can be absolutely riddled with them.

    Cook fully, id avoid any sashimi or ahi style

  9. I’ve caught many off of FL. East coast- they don’t like them. Gulf coast- they’ll eat them but low on their scale. I like them just marinated and grilled, they grill up real nice and tasty!

  10. I prefer their little cousins the Almaco Jack. Better taste and no worms.  Nice fish by the way, your arms must’ve been falling off

  11. Suspicious-Spend7329 on

    Hamachi is yellowtail amberjack, I doubt there is huge difference in meat. I know in south Florida, amberjack can carry ciguatera, out here in California, yellowtail are super sought after.

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