Would this 10 gallon be good for a betta? If not, tell me what I should change about it

Posted by Low-Baseball-7978


  1. Get live plants or else your tank will be overrun with algae and cyano. Also for hiding spots.

  2. TechnicianRare3222 on

    Why? They are fast enough to live together I have 8 neon tetras and a male betta just plant some big leaf plants so it can rest on and the neons will swim through the plant and the betta will just sit there and rest on the leaves.

  3. you need plants imo, also bio active substrate would help, a lot of plants, but the food choice is great, it’s what I feed my embers and shrimp

  4. Overprescribed1 on

    Betas love to rest, some more than others depending on size.

    Ide add some stem plants with big leaves for them to hang out on.

  5. Live plants are great if you’re willing to get into that, if not I’d do silk plants, and possibly a marimo moss ball, which is much easier to keep alive and not picky at all about substrate. Bettas love marimo. That and floaters like spangles would be a great way to start out. But not totally necessary.

    Most important thing is just having SOMETHING soft to rest on or hide behind. And silk plants should work fine for that.

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