Trying to decide on if I want to get back into bass fishing, or fishing in general, or retire myself and watch my stuff accumulate more dust. Figured I'd head here to gather opinions before making any drastic decisions, so please feel free to chime in.

Haven't lake fished in about 4 years, haven't fished at all in about 2. I've got plenty of everything needed to pick back up where I left off, with at least a few items that have since been discontinued. (Was bass fishing for over 20 years when I was active.) Not to say discontinued items are great, but they worked very well for me at the time, and I would expect similar results if I were to start casting out again.

I guess my main issue is time and availability for getting out there. A friend of mine supplied the boat, and I was the tag-along. Fished the back, but I didn't care, I could still catch mine from there. But without boat access, I'd need to creek fish, which doesn't exactly require a lot of my tackle. This leads me to the big question.

Should I bother trying to outfit myself for creek fishing for bass or just deal with what I've got? Try to sell my lake stuff to supply more shallow creek lures or just dump more money into a hobby that might kill my interest in it?

Anyways, here's some pics of some of the stuff I've used over the years from one of the tackle boxes. And yeah, we used to target pike and muskie, too, but mostly bass and see what bit. Thanks for any opinions/advice!

Posted by The1PatchesOHoulihan


  1. Just go fishing and find out; I went this summer, and I totally got back into it after years of not fishing; I just fish from the shore at local lakes; sometimes I drive, the bass are never too big. I blame it on the area Illinois/indiana lol But doing it again reminded me how much I like it now I’m addicted

  2. Upbeat-Pepper7483 on

    Man I have been working 70 hour weeks and feel like I just can’t get myself to get out there on the weekends anymore. I’ve been forcing myself to go more these past few weekends and it’s a blast everytime.

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