Milo is my betta fish, he was given to me approximately 3 weeks ago. Milo was in a round fish tank when he was given to me, he was there for approximately 5 days. During that time he was very active, he was almost always swimming, although I noticed that he was a little twisted when swimming.
After those 5 days a fish tank arrived that I ordered, it is square and much bigger than the previous one. Since I moved my fish from his old tank to the new one, I have noticed that he has become very inactive. He is almost always lying on a plant or even on the bottom of the tank. He swims very little although he still eats quite well, he has not lost his appetite. The only thing is that I see that he doesn't swim much, he is always lying on a leaf.
My brother also has a betta and the exact same thing happened to him. While he was in his round tank he was very active and swimming and when he moved him to the new tank he started to behave just like my fish.
I don't know what could be happening and why it happened to both fish.
I left a picture of how my fish is, it is almost always in that position, as I said before, sometimes it goes down to the bottom of the tank, stays lying down for a while and comes back up to the leaves. Really, almost never swims but at least I see that he has not lost his appetite (neither has my brother's fish).
If someone can tell me if the fish are sick I would appreciate it very much. I apologize in advance, I have no experience of any kind with fish.
Thank you very much.
By the way, I don't speak English perfectly, if I have any mistake in my writing I'm sorry.

Posted by AffectionateHoney226


  1. This is pretty normal for long finned betta. He’s built a little bubble nest up there and is guarding it. He may leave to have a look around for rivals and then go straight back. But besides that, betta just like to sit on leaves.

    If you give him more plants and caves, he will likely explore more. The more objects in the tank, the less bored the betta will be. He’ll want to patrol around his territory, but he’ll still return to sit on the leaf. That’s normal behavior for them.

    He looks fine to me physically.

    How big is your tank? That will affect activity too.

  2. Do you have a heater in the tank? When not at the right temperature they can become lethargic and struggle with moving and digestion. Do you have a filter in the tank? How often do you do water changes? Do you know your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate parameters? Your tank likely doesn’t have an established bacterial cycle and you are doing a fish-in cycle currently

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