Just finished cycling this tank around 2 weeks ago. Left side is my side and the right side is my gf’s side. Stocked 6 Zebra Danios and 8 Cherry Barbs a few days ago, and yesterday added a snail (plus a few that hitchhiked on my plants lol). I am super happy with it so far!!

I want to add a SAE to take care of some of the algae that accrued during cycling, but other than that, I am in need of a good centerpiece fish. Recommendations would be appreciated!! The water is hard and my attempts to lower it have been only a little successful (haven’t attempted RO water)

Ammonia: ~0PPM
Nitrite: 0PPM
Nitrate: ~25 PPM (water change in 2 days)
PH: somewhere between 7.6 and 8
Temp: heater set at 78°
KH: 180PPM
GH: between 120 and 180PPM

Posted by Secret-Peanut-4455

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