Is there any reason I can’t use rainwater collected from this roof for my fish?

Posted by saint_abyssal


  1. Pesticide and herbicide applications in my area is why I wouldn’t put rain water in my fish tank, lotta corn n bean fields. Besides that raccoon, squirrel, or bird feces, too many variables for my liking.

  2. There’s probably birds that sit on it that will also poop on the roof. There’s also a little dirt/dust on roofs

  3. Yes. They are myriad.

    I might change my answer after you make this your primary water source for a year.

  4. Massive_Durian296 on

    the rainwater that falls off my roof is…. well, filthy. like discolored brown water filthy. combine that all the crap that accumulates on a roof from toxic chemicals to animal shit, i would **strongly** recommend against this lol

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