Hiya, I have a guppy she’s preggers but she also has these weird spots/holes on like her chest area at the front

Tank is usually fed once a day, tropical flakes and betta pellets for my paradise fish
Couple times a week I drop in algae wafers for my loaches and plecos
And once a week or fortnight I may do a type of frozen food, usually blood worms or brine shrimp

It’s also a heavily planted tank
And at the momo I have a lil bit of a snail issue 🥴

Water parameters seem all fine,
Ammonia – 0
Nitrite – 0
Nitrate- 0
PH – 6.8

Posted by swishhbish


  1. I have no clue have you tried looking it up also nothing wrong with some extra snails lol.

  2. Cultural_Ad1331 on

    She might be egg bound or bloated saving her could be hard she might die during labor, sheep seems to have a crooked back and overall an classic generational incest guppy so problems like these occuring is common you might be able to help with a salt bath

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