Surprise GloFish Baby in the Hillstream Tank

Posted by Saint_The_Stig

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  1. Saint_The_Stig on

    I started putting any Cory eggs I found in my 40B Community tank in my 20L Hillstream Loach breeder on the off chance they hatch even though 90% of my Cory’s are GloFish ones and are supposed to be mostly infertile. Just leaving them there meant they were snail food so worth getting into the mindset for potentially breeding them later. But it looks like one of them is beat the odds as I found when scanning the gravel for Sewellia wigglers I found this pretty obvious standout.

    I haven’t had Cory babies before so I can’t say for sure this is one, but the only other option is that I now have a radioactive green hillstream loach (which would actually be pretty cool).

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