The last couple days my betta seems unhappy. He stopped eating and is now laying at the bottom of the tank.

The temperature sits at 26°c / 78.8°F

Ive been doing regular water checks and did a big water change on Saturday.

My concern is the kh but im not sure
Ive been slowly adding in khplus but it doesnt seem to stay up

He does have some rasboras as tank mates and they dont seem to cause any problems they have been together for a couple months

I really need some help

Posted by SamStvst


  1. I have had him since march and everything was fine until a few days ago.

    I do about a 50%/60% water change every saturday

  2. RefrigeratorNo3197 on

    Looks like dropsy, treat before they start pineconing with a salt bath 10-15 minutes everyday. Some people do it differently so do research on dropsy treatments. I’ve used malachite green and methylene blue, don’t mix treatments in the same tank

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