My first fishtank outside of family ones as a kid, 150L tank, aqua one 1400 canditer filter, eihim 300watt heater, 2 bubblers, some stones from fish store didn't wanna use ones from the garden didn't look as nice, 3 inches of top soil, 1-2 inch of sand caping, a piece of driftwood from like 15 years back(used to full up our 75L),
Plant wise seems to be baby tears(a few are not acclimating right) and rest I'm unsure off but most of em are flowering, will be adding floaters(hydrocotyle verticillata) tmwr as I go to buy some more beneficial bacteria. Hope is to have back covered in plants/bushes, and left hand corner
Fish wise I'm planning on going for 2x brissle nose plecos male female, 1x rasbroa school for middle tank, 1x school danios for mid tank(limited on types due to country), 1x school tetra, nomral and blue mystery snails, a school of Corys unsure on type maybe pigmy, and if lucky some shrimp from a stream as can't buy in stores
My lights on from 1200 to 2200 5700k I forget wattage
Any help on my stocking ideas, or plant ideas would be helpful (no kahulis they will uproot)

Posted by Equal_General1672

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