Why are there so many different tap water conditioners. Aren’t they all the same?

Posted by mcscooby


  1. Lordofwar13799731 on

    Every bottle is a different business is why.

    A LOT of betta owners will grab that bottle with their fish on it and assume it’s better for their specific fish than another brand. If the other brand doesn’t have their own betta specific one, a lot of business will go to the one that does.

    Same with shrimp and everything else. You have one, competition doesn’t, and even if it actually is the exact same, people will still buy the one for their specific setup “just to be on the safe side”.

  2. They are all the same in that they all remove chlorine. Some companies market the product to different buyers hoping they will grab it. Some have additional additives. Better to just buy plain dechlorinator and add other nutrients/chemicals as needed.

  3. EmotionalContract423 on

    yes and no. All water conditioners primary function is to remove chlorine from tap water. Many of them have other ingredients that perform secondary functions. The only times you have to worry about it is if it contains an ingredient that can be toxic to a specific animal (API stress guard for example has aloe vera in it, which is toxic to axolotls), but these instances are few and far between. Another thing that may not come up super often, but a good thing to be aware of, is being carful about dosing certain medications too soon after using a water conditioner. Without getting too technical, a lot of de-chlorinators are reducing agents, and work by breaking apart chemical bonds. Great for most instances of chemicals that occur in an aquarium, but with some medications, the breaking of chemical bonds can either convert a medication to something more toxic, or render it inert.

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