This week I congratulated myself on 3 months with my Juneau. He has gained some irredessent colouring, and grown abit bigger.

He thanked me for keeping him alive by leaping out as I tried to remove something from the tank, he bounced off the sideboard the tank sits on and disappeared down a 1 inch gap at the back!

There must have been 20 seconds where I stood there dumbfounded. Surely he's still in the tank and I am mistaken.

Chaos ensued.

It took two people to pull the heavy sideboard away from the wall, meanwhile he's flip flapping in the dust towards us. We had head torches on, we had an unhelpful toddler begging to see, and myself on the verge of hysterical panic.

He was unceremoniously dropped back in the tank and I thought this was the end. The shock would be too much.

He's fine. Absolutely fine.

But the trust is gone, all I can see in his eyes is him calculating wind direction and velocity, limbering up to leap again.

Posted by Sea_Satisfaction_506


  1. Best story ever. He’s just waiting for you to make a mistake so he can jump again for freedom.

    Maybe he’s telling you he wants a bigger tank. 😂

  2. It’s okay. Dude has it all and wants to escape!!!

    My betta fin nips her frontal fins when she literally is fine. Nothing wrong with the tank, no stressed behaviors. Just likes to bite her fins 😭😭😭 drives me INSANE

    Can’t trust them worth a shit! Thought my water was off or it was a decoration and I caught her ass red handed. All her fin healing progress down the drain SMFH 😭😭

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