It happened a lot quicker than anticipated! My boyfriend added ab pair of orange flame apistos to his community tank about 3 weeks ago. We have been observing them picking their cave and engaging in breeding behavior.

Friday night, my boyfriend was looking at the tank and was confused as to why and what the female was bringing out of the cave and "giving" to the male. We then realized that she didn't have a stockpile of brine shrimp but was taking her fry out of the cave! The other fish, including dad, and snails snacked on them. Mom did some protecting but not much.

There are about 40 percent less fry today. They are now following mom and exploring a bit. We are very confused as to why she would bring them out before they seemed able to free swim? Is she kulling to manage the amount of fry? Is she just new at being a mom (the apistos are young).

I'd really love to hear from some cichlid breeders. We have both bred live bearers (endlers and guppies). I have accidentally bred
kuhli loaches a few times. These apistos are so different because of the way they tend to their young and we would love to lean more. Thanks to anyone who responds 🙂

Posted by Anonymous_Amanda407

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