Can someone tell me if there is a way to retrieve this spinner without killing this fish??

Its in there. Whats the best thing to do in this scenario?

Posted by GoldFaithlessness493


  1. heythanksimadeit on

    Dam that ones a little rough, if u dont have long pliers that might be better to keep

  2. heythanksimadeit on

    Honestly with how thats all tangled up down there id just kill it sooner than later. We dont always mean to let the fish suffer but with stuff like this its better to end it than risk ir dying slowly from starvation or infection

  3. notextinctyet on

    Unfortunately, that’s very unlikely to result in an alive fish. If you really want to try, I would pinch the barbs on the treble hook with pliers before trying to untangle it. Even then it’s not likely to work out. If you intend to catch and release, I would recommend replacing the hooks on your spinners to single barbless hooks, which are still fairly effective at catching fish.

  4. Best bets are to eat the fish, or just cut the line. There’s a decent chance it’ll still live.

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