Fishing is really about so much more than the fish. Fishing is a lesson on life. Sometimes we don’t get what we want or what we hoped for. Sometimes our plan falls apart. Sometimes you get stuck in the trees and you need to take a moment to sort through the knots. It teaches you to relax. That there is no time schedule. 15 minutes to re-tie your flies? Who cares? But even more so, fishing is about the here and now. The present moment. The sound of the water. The flow of the run. The placement of the fly. And then you hold your breath in anticipation, until the next cast. And you repeat. How beautiful it is to be lost in the moment. Watching a fish come out of the still water to smack a fly, feels like something we’re not supposed to see. A magical moment where hidden life below the surface comes out to interact with the life above it. At the end of the day, fishing is about hope. Hope that the next spot might hold the one. Hope that the next fly will be the one that works. Hope that even though I didn’t catch anything today, there’s always tomorrow. Fishing is about life. Sometimes you need to take a step back to untangle the knots. Focus on the present moment. Hope for the future.

Posted by bearcatguy

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