This is Dale, Dale Barbie Barbara, I got him when I went to visit back to my childhood town after several years. He’s been with me for almost 2 months now, and he’s filled out so much!!!
Here’s before and after pics
I’ve only had a betta one other time like 5 years ago, but I was a bit naive and didn’t realize how much these little guys needed, so he was only with me for about 2 years. But since then I’ve learned SOO MUCH and Dale seems to be loving his home and I just adore him. And I think he adores the attention.

lol I feel kind of weird just posting this but idk I think he should be shown off bc he’s so beautiful

Posted by Mediocre-Lettuce5846

1 Comment

  1. IridescentStarseed on

    Handsome barely covers his appearance, man is REGAL. Alsooooo, what’s that ring of moss stuff you got?? Is that his sleep spot? What is it cause I’d love to do that for my own lil guy

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