Hi all! I recently got this little guy and I’m wanting to give him the best tank set up to ensure a happy life! I would like for him to (possibly) have a few tank mates as well. He is currently only in a 2.5gal tank, but I have a 10gal that I am working on getting set up for him. I’d love to hear the the dos and don’ts. Thanks in advance. (:


Posted by from_tiktok_for_tea


  1. Melodic-Cream3369 on

    He’s pretty! I rescued a HM mustard male a couple of months ago looks just like him but my guy’s fins aren’t as full. Just make sure it’s cycled, has places to hide, and plants would be fun. If you’re looking to do a planted tank I’d say anubias and floating plants are favorites. Especially the huge butterfly anubias. As for diet maybe some bloodworms as a treat and food that has good protein. Make sure to have medication on hand. I’d say a good general set would be kanaplex, aquarium salt, catappa leaves, and maybe like ich-x by Hikari. You don’t wanna run into disease and have to wait for meds to arrive. Read up on disease and illness too! With halfmoon males you might run into fin rot, but luckily they don’t get diamond eye or are prone to swim bladder issues as far as I know. Get some driftwood he can swim around! But if you do make sure his fins can’t get torn on it. Good luck!

  2. Melodic-Cream3369 on

    Oh and as for tank mates, depends on your betta. I’ve had males and females that do and don’t like tank mates of all species and sizes. Some were OK with my danios (I switch up tanks and bettas sometimes) some don’t, danios can be fin nippers. If you do a 10 gallon, I’d say shrimp or snails. You can do ghost shrimp or neocaridina species, if you get ghosts do quarantine in the 2 gal. They often carry disease. Most snails do well in a 10 gallon, but be aware female nerites will lay eggs everywhere and leave stains, as pretty as nerites are. Mystery snails, apple snails, MTS, ramshorn (be aware Columbian ramshorn eat plants but smaller species don’t really), even one or two rabbit snails. As for smaller fish I’d look into it. Maybe rice fish?

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