I’ve had my boy Karaage for about a month now. I’ve heard some horror stories about all the different types of sick a fish can get… To get to my point, do y’all think my boy has fin rot or any other ailment?! He just ripped his fin today but I’m not sure what it’s from😕 Any help would be appreciated 🙂


Posted by The_Sassiest_Sadie

1 Comment

  1. SuperFenutbutter on

    Yes, this is finrot, and this amount of deterioration didn’t happen in a day.

    Here’s what I’d do.

    50% water change, replace your water with conditioner (i prefer seachem prime). Add aquarium salt, 1tbsp per 5 gallons of water. Remove any carbons in your filter.

    Maracyn2 and ichx. At this point you need to cover all your bases for any underlying issue, aside from the finrot. This combination covers the majority of your bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections.

    M2 is a five day treatment, dose per the directions on the box. For those same five days, add the ichx at 1tsp per 10 gallons of water daily. Do no water changes until day six. On day six do a 50% change and add conditioned water back, with 1tbsp of aquarium salt per five gallons of water you removed. You can repeat this treatment immediately after the first is done, including the water change if you do not see any improvement.

    Once all treatment is done, add your carbons back if you initially took them out.

    Two important notes. First, cut your feedings in half during the treatment. You don’t want to overfeed while not being able to do any water changes during the five day course of meds. Second, this will crash your cycle you will then have to do a fish in cycle to restore it. OR you can treat in a hospital tank.

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