I recently just put up my first aquarium with GloTetra fish in them. They were a delight and glows in dimlight, I like them a lot! It has been 2 weeks now BUT, 5 of them already died! They struggled swimming before they did as their fins and tails were bit (no idea which of them is the culprit). Is that normal? Is there a reason why they do that?

It happens during night time when no one is watching and lights are off. In the morning we would just spot another fish with broken tails. It is alarming for me and dont know what to do. Also, there are 20 little molly fish with them and 1 of them died and 2 had eye injuries. So, i dont think it’s any of them.
Any advise?

Posted by jamminpink

1 Comment

  1. RainyDayBrightNight on

    Is it possible to put up a camera at night? Sounds like some sort of fights are going on if the glofish and mollys are getting those sorts of injuries.

    It might be due to overstocking without enough vertical cover to break up aggression; they’re all constantly within each other’s line of sight at the moment, and blackskirts are known as being a bit prone to fights and aggression

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