Did a water change yesterday then added some minnows in this evening after about two hours they started frantically swimming around and going in loops and upside down. They end up running into the walls and then floating to the bottom. What is happening and how do I fix it? Thanks

Posted by Salt_Regret_2126


  1. What are your water parameters?
    Tank size info?
    Did you add dechlorinator?
    Did you and how long did you acclimate the minnows for?

  2. Downtown-Trash-4942 on

    Either something in the water or it isn’t cycled. Right now they are in shock. Could be from Temp change. They don’t look good though.

  3. barkingatbacon on

    You need to cycle your tank. Tanks need like 2 weeks to build up the bacteria to have fish survive. You could get ammonia detoxifier from a fish store and they might still survive but it is rare unfortunately.

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